Welcome to Smart Cookies Montessori School.
Contact Lisa Mardell at 0879934240
email : smartcookiesdalkey@gmail.com
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Our Montessori Teacher Lisa Mardell has over 21 years experience in childcare and has a B.A. in Montessori Education from St. Nicholas Montessori College of Ireland. She has also completed a course on Inclusion and Special Education Needs from Mary Immaculate College, in Limerick. She has just finished a LINC Course which with Mary Immaculate College. LINC is a free higher education blended-learning programme designed for workers within the Early Years sector, to promote the inclusion of children with additional needs.

Our mission is to afford each child the opportunity to develop to his/her full potential by providing a secure and happy environment. We will respect the child’s individuality by allowing him/her to develop at his/her own pace.
This Website outlines our services and policies. We strive towards the highest possible standards of care. Together we can make your child’s time with us happy, safe and stimulating. We believe that parents are the first and most fundamental educators of young children.Each child is a unique individual that has a right to quality childcare, irrespective of gender, race, religion, and socio-economic status or special needs.
Each child has the right to be treated with respect, love and kindness within a safe and nurturing environment.
An important aspect of the Montessori ethos is that each child is allowed to develop at his/her own pace. With this in mind, a varied and flexible daily routine has been put in place where structured activities are balanced with free play and where there are opportunities for “active time” “quiet time” and creative time and outdoor play. Each child has one to one quality time with me to learn the Montessori Exercises. This enables me to get to know your child very well and if he/she needs extra help, We will be aware of it very quickly and support your child in this area.
All parents have an opportunity to avail of quality, affordable and accessible Montessori education for their child.